darn it, i'm busy and ugh, periodical test about asian history and entrepreneurship
is she cute?
answer::HELL YES.
sorry about that, i'm kinda bored right now...
anyways, im feeling shitty today.
if it wasn't because of Santi, examintaions are over.
gah, i really want to be free this week but darn it,
we'll continue our exam this tuesday,..
i don't think i can memorize those 25 pages in our book. argh.
but i will, i will because of RYO-chan(what's the connection?)
okay, i guess I'm not yet telling you,
well, whenever there's a thing i need to do and i think i can't do it,,,
I always bear in mind that I can't
meet, kiss and date RYO-chan if I can't do it, so yea..
The things I can't do before because i don't feel like it
I'm doing it now.. and I got this motivation because of RYO-chan..
RYO-chan is LOVE!
xo, Max Sin.Enixam
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